- Effects of Thermal Pretreatment on the Oxidative Dissolution of Chalcopyrite: Electrochemical Study with Synthetic Minerals
Katsuya Komorita, Yu-ki Taninouchi, and Hiroaki Nakano
Materials Transactions, (accept).
- Performance and Structural Analysis of Vanadium Composite Electrogalvanized Steel Sheets
Fumio Shibao, Hiromasa Shoji, and Hiroaki Nakano
ISIJ int., vol.64, no.10, (2024) pp.1548-1556.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2355/isijinternational.ISIJINT-2024-162
- High-Temperature Chlorination of Rhodium Using Alkali-Metal and Alkaline-Earth-Metal Chlorides
Yu-ki Taninouchi, Rintaro Fujii, Kohei Sunagawa, Toru H. Okabe, and Hiroaki Nakano
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, vol.55, (2024) pp.4970-4980.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11663-024-03282-0
- Iron Chloride Vapor Treatment for Leaching Platinum Group Metals from Spent Catalysts
Yu-ki Taninouchi, Kohei Sunagawa, Toru H. Okabe, and Hiroaki Nakano
Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy, vol.10, (2024) pp.2227-2240.
DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s40831-024-00910-6
- Effect of Structure of Organic Additives on Electrodeposition Behavior of Zn from Alkaline Zincate Solution and Its Crystal Morphology
Tomoki Imatani, Satoshi Oue, Yu-ki Taninouchi, Yasunori Aoki, and Hiroaki Nakano
Materials Transactions, vol.65, no.9, (2024) pp.1141-1151.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2320/matertrans.MT-M2024070
- バナジウム複合電気亜鉛めっき鋼鈑の性能および構造解析
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- Atomically Resolved Scanning Tunneling Microscopy of Cleaved Chalcopyrite Surface
Kenya Kikuchi, Shu Kurokawa, and Yu-ki Taninouchi
Materials Transactions, vol.64, issue 12, (2023) pp.2748-2753.
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- Micro Structure and Corrosion Resistance of Zn Composites Films Produced by Pulse Electrolysis from a Insoluble Particle-free Solution Containing Zr Ions
Sota Toyokuni, Satoshi Oue, Yu-ki Taninouchi, and Hiroaki Nakano
ISIJ International, vol.63, no.11, (2023) pp.1908-1918.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2355/isijinternational.ISIJINT-2023-270
- Corrosion Resistance of Zn−Ni Alloy Films Electroplated in Alkaline Zincate Solutions Containing a Brightener
Sung Hwa Bae, Satoshi Oue, Yu-ki Taninouchi, Injoon Son, and Hiroaki Nakano
ISIJ International, vol.63, no.11, (2023) pp.1897-1907.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2355/isijinternational.ISIJINT-2023-236
- Electrodeposition Behavior of Zn-Ni Alloy from Alkaline Zincate Solutions Containing Various Brighteners and Its Microstructure
Wataru Murakami, Satoshi Oue, Yu-ki Taninouchi, Shinya Akamatsu, and Hiroaki Nakano
ISIJ International, vol.63, no.8, (2023) pp.1394-1404.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2355/isijinternational.ISIJINT-2023-103
- アルカリジンケート浴からの亜鉛の電析挙動とその結晶形態に及ぼす有機添加剤の構造の影響
今谷 智貴, 大上 悟, 谷ノ内 勇樹, 青木 泰紀, 中野 博昭
日本金属学会誌, 第88巻, 第3号, (2024) pp.58-67.
- Zrイオンを含む非懸濁溶液からパルス電解法により作製したZn系複合電析膜の微細構造と耐食性
豊國 想太, 大上 悟, 谷ノ内 勇樹, 中野 博昭
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- 光沢剤を含むアルカリジンケート浴から電析したZn−Ni合金皮膜の耐食性
裵 聖和, 大上 悟, 谷ノ内 勇樹, 孫 仁俊, 中野 博昭
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- 各種光沢剤を含むジンケート浴からのZn-Ni合金電析挙動とその微細構造
村上 亘, 大上 悟, 谷ノ内 勇樹, 赤松 慎也, 中野 博昭
鉄と鋼, 第109巻, 第4号, (2023) pp.277-288.
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- Effect of Impurity Ions and Additives in Solution of Copper Electrorefining on the Passivation Behavior of Low-grade Copper Anode
Kohei Mori,Yuta Yamakawa, Satoshi Oue, Yu-ki Taninouchi, and Hiroaki Nakano
Materials Transactions, vol.64, issue 1, (2023) pp. 242-251.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2320/matertrans.MT-M2022087
- Dissolution Behavior of Ferritic Stainless Steel in Liquid Magnesium
Yu-ki Taninouchi, Tsubasa Yamaguchi, Toru H. Okabe, and Hiroaki Nakano
ISIJ International, Vol.63, No.1, (2023) pp150-158.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2355/isijinternational.ISIJINT-2022-232
- Synergistic Effect of Brightener and Solution Temperature on the Electrodeposition Behavior of Zn-Ni alloy from Alkaline Zincate Solution
Sung Hwa Bae, Satoshi Oue, Yu-ki Taninouchi, Injoon Son, and Hiroaki Nakano
ISIJ International, Vol.62, No.9, (2022) pp1918-1929.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2355/isijinternational.ISIJINT-2022-160
- Effect of Solution Temperature on Electrodeposition Behavior of Zn-Ni Alloy from Alkaline Zincate Solution
Sung Hwa Bae, Satoshi Oue, Yu-ki Taninouchi, Injoon Son, and Hiroaki Nakano
ISIJ International, Vol.62, No.7, (2022) pp.1522-1531.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.2355/isijinternational.ISIJINT-2022-076
- Solubility of Chromium in Liquid Magnesium
Yu-ki Taninouchi, Tsubasa Yamaguchi, Toru H. Okabe,and Hiroaki Nakano
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, vol.53, (2022) pp1851–1857.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11663-022-02494-6
- Submerged Comminution of Lithium-ion Batteries in Water in Inert Atmosphere for Safe Recycling
Tetsuya Uda, Akihiro Kishimoto, Kouji Yasuda, Yu-ki Taninouchi
Energy Advances, vol.1, (2022) pp.935-940.
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- フェライト系ステンレス鋼の液体マグネシウム中への溶解挙動
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- Trends of Technological Development of Platinum Group Metal Recycling: Solubilization and Physical Concentration Processes
Yu-ki Taninouchi and Toru H. Okabe
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- Effect of Halide Ions on Electrodeposition Behavior and Morphology of Electrolytic Copper Powder
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- Effect of Organic Additives on Electrodeposition Behavior of Zn from Zincate Solution Containing Potassium Hydroxide and its Micro Structure
Kenta Fukumoto, Satoshi Oue, Tsukasa Niwa, Yoshiharu Kikuchi, Shinya Akamats, and Hiroaki Nakano
Materials Transactions, vol.62, No.6, (2021) pp.807-814.
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- Rapid Oxidative Dissolution of Metallic Tin in Alkaline Solution Containing Iodate Ions
Yu-ki Taninouchi and Tetsuya Uda
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- Effect of Reaction Product of Epichlorohydrin and Imidazole on the Electrodeposition Behavior of Zn-Ni alloy from Alkaline Zincate Solution
Sung Hwa Bae, Satoshi Oue, Injoon Son, and Hiroaki Nakano
ISIJ International, Vol.61, No.8, (2021) pp.2256-2263.
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- アルカリジンケート浴からのZn−Ni合金電析挙動に及ぼす浴温の影響
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- ポリエチレンイミンを含む溶液からの球状電解銅粉の作製
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日本金属学会誌, 第85巻, 第11号, (2021) pp.413-419.
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- 電解銅粉の析出挙動および銅粉の形態に及ぼす高分子添加剤と塩化物イオンの影響
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- 電解銅粉の析出挙動および銅粉の形態に及ぼすハロゲン化物イオンの影響
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- Effect of Phosphoric Acid Added to Chemical Conversion Coating Layer on Corrosion Protection in Scribed Areas of Zinc-Coated Steels
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Yuki Suzuki, Atsushi Morishita, Suguru Nishinomiya and Hiroaki Nakano